Supreme, for those who don't know, is a shop come clothing brand from New York. Supreme opened in the mid 90's and have continued to pioneer the small independent shop market with their own clothing brand, unsuprisingly called Supreme.
Have a wee look on their
website and look under the Fall collection. It's pretty wild stuff right? Well I'm telling you that collection sold out within 3 days! Focus pal Deak was in NYC when it all went on sale reporting back that it was pure mental. They have major restriction's on what you can buy and how much you can spend....imagine that eh?
They have opened 4 or 5 shops in Japan to try and clamp down on fake product. Also you may be familiar with the Supreme bowl that was built in the LA shop which opened a couple of years ago. If you click on the 'store' button on the website you can see it. Can I get one?
Anyway, if you go back to the
website and click on 'random', watch A Love Supreme- a film made by Thomas Campbell with the then shop team riders Keith Huf, Peter Bici, Chris Keefe, Quim Cardona etc. It's great.
Lesson of the day- It's amazing what you can do with a very simple logo. Have a look at some more
here and check out who's numero uno.
Link of the day- Buy some of the world's number one logo's product right