That's a few of us back from snowboarding in Morzine, France. Col the Walloper hit Dirty Thirty when we were there and we spent no expense in this Bucky ring, he was stoked! His senior years did nothing to stop him ripping all holiday. I managed to pivot on my head and neck giving me a double Stevie Cab neck, it's like wearing blinkers, don't do it! The weather was really hot most days and the snow went heavy n slow later in the afternoon esp the parks, just clearing the kickers was an effort. Halfpipe in Avoriaz was massive, Col and our host Youngo killed it. What is it about the backside walls, frontside nae bother. We hit up the Swiss side one day which was awesome, fresh lines and loads of drops and gulleys. Think we broke a record for fitting 7 people and snowboards in a Fiesta, needs must. Here's Youngo not setting the oven on fire this time and just about to serve up a gratin. Big shout out's to him, Anna and Mike for their suberb hospitality, see ye next year!
Click Get Walloped in sites we like for a full holiday rundown.