Tomorrow we get small selections from Landscape, Consolidated, Creature, Anti Hero and the most exciting, Traffic. Ricky Oyola is a freeking legend. Check out trafficskateboards.com for the trailer. Well worth checking.
enjoi video premieres in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Saturday 1st of April in Glasgow 7pm. Edinburgh Sunday 2nd April 6pm.
New Nikes on the shelves. The Bon Jovi window display has done wonders for a curious looking shoe. The Zoom Tre has also worked it's wondrous webbing
onto many feet. Tre flips, every time, ask Robo. Finally we have a lovely Dunk lo in sandy canvas. We've coined it Desert Storm and rate it.
As well as Document, documenting, Kingpin had a full A.I Scotland article and Sidewalk has Ferg. What a beast.
Other picture is Julien Stranger, another beast. Backside lipslide, skypager. Check tobinyelland.com
Girdy, pay us a visit soon.
One more mail day before you lose out on the GFM biscuits opportunity. Good biscuits, I'm on flow.
will be in over t'weekend lads (if it's not snowing). may provide some chocolate covered biscuity snacks but I was told yesterday that a biscuit is a biscuit..how can you compare a rich tea with a montana, it's just wrong
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
I find some information here.
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