Deluxe = Hard working dudes. (That's 3 dvd's in a week)
After night fell and the young lovers had put it away we moved all the projection to the Kelvingrove Amphitheatre and had a rather rebellious showing of Harvey Spannos. Good turn up from everyone. We'll do it again, but maybe somewhere else, with a different film and without the mouth.
Kelvingrove has been the place of choice this week. I suspect Jamie is getting ready to go there now. Hopefully he'll see Morgan before he comes and goes on Tuesday.
Sun = good times..
why can't the fOCus team push the envelope like this?
can't wait till Burnquist opens his shop up
keep it real, keep it street...
We're on the case. Stu Graham's going to fire himself out of a cannon, 5-0 the forth road bridge then parachute into the Dunfermline skatepark and B/S disaster the quartepipe. Stay tuned! Ka-booom!
ah heard john rattray wis gonna get out of his bed and contemplate doing something....but that would take more planning than bob's stunt...so on the grounds of logistics and budget we scrapped the idea
stu graham? cannon?
does anyone forsee a logistical problem, or am i alone here? matheson's pies are sponsoring a bum steer on this one.
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