Yesterday saw a visit into the Edinburgh shop from David Gest the self promoting wierdo that Liza Minelli dumped and so-called celeb from "I'm a sudo celebrity get me on the telly again". Tweaked out is not the word, he was standing half in half out the door waving to all the passing cars, shouting hi, i love you fans, can't let my fans down! Good news though he's moved to Britain so you too may have the chance to pretend you don't know who he is, seems to wind him up!
Not that I doubt the drawing power of the the mighty Focus in any way, but what the dickens was he doing at your fine establishment?
he was doing a book signing in waterstones apparently and out and about self promoting his new tv show.
hehehe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOCUS....6 today.... aw the best, Steve.
Last time I saw a beard on a plastic face like that was on Action Man before he had some nice blue tanga briefs on.
Who is this guy?
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