There's an interesting article up on the Guardian website about gingerism (discrimination against gingers) being the last acceptable prejudice. I've certainly witnessed some discrimination against gingers over the years, so thought I'd ask our resident Ginger Mr. Tait how many of the derogatory names in the article he'd been subject to. Here are the results:
Ginger Nut
Ginger Minger
Carrot Top
Ginger Pubes
Graham gets a whopping score of 6! He has refused to comment on whether or not he'd been called my personal favourite, 'copper sacks'.
Anyhoo, enough of this nonsense, here's the article:
Does gingerism remain the last acceptable prejudice? (Guardian)
My favourite is Bonfire Baws.
Duracell, never heard that one before.
We saw Brandon Burns at the festival last year and he did a whole part about gingerism. He said that it's mainly a british thing.
What about Mr S Paterson, he's a big fighter for Ging' Rights. I'm pretty sure I've seen him give out extra points based on hair colour at some comps.
Once heard a wee boabchief in drylaw call a ginger friend of mine cheezels (as in cheesy wotsits) . i thought that was quite inventive points to inovation on the ginge insults.
Thats right i have a ginger friend i'm proud they won't be around for long so enjoy them while you can !
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