Dundee is also appearing in RAD magazine online at When We Was Rad. TLB, ruler.
Dundee is also the home of the the 3 J's. Jute, Jam and journalism. 3 J's.
Dundee is the sunniest of all the Scottish cities as it's the only one facing south.
Dundee has a long successful history of bingo playing. The women working in the Jute mills needed fast hands working the machinery so when it came to filling out a scorecard they were fast. World record fast I'm told.
Friday quiz has two questions...
What was the trick Lee Ralph did at the 1st factory that got everyone talking?
What are you asking for if you say 'aninganinganauh'? (spelt like it sounds)
Dundee Day is now in session.
twa mince pes ken n a finely chopped schallot for my pleasure.....as for the ralph...gay twist with docs...
Bottom turns Glank ya muppet.
Hi, thanks for the mention!
Here's the direct link to the Dundee Anarchy Jam feature from whenwewasrad for people who'd prefer to go straight there once it's dropped off the front page.
cheers for the link jock steady crew, i swear that shirt will be there this week mark.
happy fifth birthday to focus.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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