Thanks to everyone who turned up for the Circa signing in the shop and premiere last night, go on the Glasgow crew. The second showing was packed down the sides, which stressed the Filmhouse staff out, don't know something to do with fire safety, ah well all good. After the film there was a wee sesh at the Sheraton ledge then down to Dynamic Earth which was a bust straight away, so many kids. Back to the Sheraton where Peter Ramondetta laid down a 5.0 then off to the pub for far too many. Just remember Ferg that's one all at pool, decider next time.
The Circa team signed a Focus tee for us as a prize which is up for grabs if you can answer this extremely difficult question, What board company does Adrian Lopez skate for?
e-mail us your answer
(Closing date for the contest is Friday June 9th)
I had a great time!
i thought it was more like 4-1 at pool but you were a little drunk,i have great faith in tearing you a new one so lets get the pool marathon on buddy
Ferg O'sullivan
ferg, ferg, ferg . . . . . .
remember dundee,
remember the thrashing . . .
pool marathon eh .
i'll take you out!
better be bringing some money with
I think there should be a Focus all comers pool event. With rules, no in-off 2 goes pish. Sort it out.
i was getting quite bored dominating the table for so long, winning all those pints and the adulation of all the pool betty's.
Focus Shark Attack Pool Comp coming soon!
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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