To celebrate the historic victory of Barrack Obama being elected as the 44th President of the United States, Obey Clothing have produced this Limited Edition t-shirt which we will be stocking from late December. They will be available online and in our Glasgow & Edinburgh stores, but you can also pre-order one by clicking the link below.
The first 10 people to buy online will also receive a copy of the DJ Z-Trip, Obama Mix and some Obey stickers.
Please note it is very unlikely that you will have the t-shirt by Christmas.
Buy the Obey "Yes We Did" T-shirt here.

honestly, the guy's not even in the whitehouse yet. don't count your chickens! quick money-spinning tee shirt qhich may well end up as a dusting rag when he marches the US armies into Iran or (as he currently stands) refuses to abolish the death penalty. This man is not a liberal, just a sharper hawk, and while we hope he'll live up to the hype, we have to remember tony blair. Don't buy this teeshirt just yet.
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hmmmmm. that's new.
That's as maybe or maybe not, but the alternative to Obama was what exactly? After 8 years of those assholes currently in the whitehouse, you can hardly blame people for being happy he won.
At the very least it shows that people in the U.S are open to the idea of change.
Marching the US army in to Iran? He maybe a hawk as you say, but he's not a moron. There's no way the U.S have a) the stomach for that or b) the capability. We're not talking about Iraq where there infrastructure and army had over a decade of sanctions and bombings to soften them up for the eventual invasion.
As for the t-shirt, buy it if you want, if you don't want to then errrr.... don't. It wasn't an order.
"Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval" change is to stop the blog being overrun with spam for fake Gucci watches.
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