Monkey see, monkey do! Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman recently unveiled a site specific creation – ‘Fat Monkey’ – for the 2010 Pixelshow International Design Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is an obsessively large monkey sculpture sprawled out over the lawn and measures 5 x 4 x 15 meters. The colorful project is a flip flop monstrosity composed of a giant inflatable monkey drenched with approximately 10,000 beach thongs. This project was created with help from local students and is a work in the series ‘Obeastitas’. Other large scale works by Florentijn Hofman include his giant ‘Rubber Duck’ in Osaka, 2009 and ‘Michael Moore’, a 16 meter inflatable penguin erected in Utrecht, 2009. Be on the lookout for his current work in progress: ‘Steelman’ in Slotervaat, Amsterdam!
Gradient Magazine.

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