Uncle John and Whitelock play tonight at Stereo with The Black Diamond Heavies. Both bands have a member missing. UJ&W are without The Jam and Heavies have lost their guitarist somewhere between Memphis and Glasgow. Should be good.
There is a folk festival starting soon. I'm sure it's called 'Folk Off', which is quite funny coming from a bunch of folk folk.
Alex Irvine is heading doon the noo to t'Burnley with Senor Div to compete in the Bowlriders qualifiers. My money is probably on Div to get to the final. I hope he beats Omar Hassan at some point.
Head over to Thrasher magazine to witness Peter Hewits little clip. That dude sure can smoke weed and do one of the best back smiths around. Want to see him in Scoregon this year.
Skate well and pop by to continue debating about biscuits and golf. ( see below posts)
Today's photo is from the lens of G.B's new camera and shows the result of backside no comply walrides. The Jam.
Anyone wanting invites to the Nike floor show, email or call glasgow@focuspocus.co.uk/01415488777
so last night i got home and was watching question of sport (mid life eh?) anyway i noticed an uncanny resembelance between ally mccoist and focus very own mark foster any one else notice that?
mark your shirt will be with you next week.
you're not wrong there bingo. mark foster's also a hot shot when it comes to kicking baws!!!
Beautiful mark is a lover, not a hater.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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