We've got some new signs up around the court- 'No skating'. Oh well, 'No Breathing' soon. Nice work on the one I look at all day Sam. John Peel will always be missed.
Tryptich kicked off last night. There is something for a'body this weekend, provided you've got cashish. Although there's a Hip Hop ban in the shop, I'd really like to see Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie and Roxanne Shante as well as Kool Keith. Who would have thought that Scotland would have all these fools play in one weekend? Just need to remember my hip hop backpack- weed, mp3 player, house keys, cool- packed.
Got some new shralp sticks in this week from Blueprint, Landscape, Stereo, Popwar and Heroin. Something for everyone.
I was interviewed by the Scottish Skating Overlords (!), Skateboard Scotland Check it out.
Bank holiday on Monday, perfect weekend for over doing biscuits.
Shimmy shimmy y'all!!!!
Big Daddy Kanes chocolatey booty didn't show up!!
Roxanne Shante ruuuuled!!
So did ODB
cannae wait for Kool Keith
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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